Sunday, April 08, 2007

Love Is For The Birds

I'm not anti-cupid. Although, the picture may make it seem as if I am, lol. Actually, there is no feeling that compares to being in love. However, in return, there is no pain like the one you get from love. In other words, love is for the birds! I'd rather not, just, be in love. Love? Convenience? Or Conveniennt Love? I'll probably write an article on that subject in particular. My mother always said you can love a poor man the same as you can a rich one. I didn't believe it when she told me, I actually thought that she just wanted to have money and not work. Then I had a rash of bad relationships, all of them without money. A man is a man...they suck, but would it make it easier to tolerate their shit if they had money? When they were acting like the assholes they truly are, you'll be vacationing in France, with three of your best friends, on his dime? Hmmmm....


Blogger Innocent Maiden said...

Your 100% iht in their is no pain like the pain brought on by love! Now can you just tell me why some men can't handle being loved so I can unstand why I hurt so fricking bad!! My mom always said that about money too and money isn't the answer either. Still pain is pain and someday I hope there is a generation of good men once again.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Billychic said...

I was once asked to marry this dude so that he could get a passport into the country. He was an acquaintance...He also offered 10 grand...and was kind of cute...

But the convenience would have been his WAY more than mine.LOL, wait, almost all, the men in my life have been either poor or without much money...
But boy oh boy did they have other interesting qualities.

I find that money makes a man - who already has a propensity to be full of himself and think he can tell a woman what to do - even more of a pain in the ass.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Bitchy Actress said...

Love does suck...a lot of the time. The emotions (and pain) that are brought on by it can eclipse all the good feeling that it can also have - blow it right out the window.

I think the next time I go for a guy it will be for something besides just "being in love" - because that hasn't worked out for me yet...

9:38 PM  

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