Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ernie Martin Studio Theatre: The Resurrection

That's right, folks, check out the image up there. That's what's coming out in Backstage next week (hell, is it this week?) - an ad for The Ernie Martin Studio Theatre as it used to be when Dad has his school in the 80's: a school of teachers with Dad (Ernie) as the Master Teacher. Kind of like how Lee Strasberg used to run his school...he would have his class, and then have his disciples teaching under him as well for the beginner and intermediate classes.

So, who do we have on the bill? Dad, a.k.a. Ernie Martin, of course, of whom I have expounded upon in depth (if you are a new reader to this blog, then please go through the archives) who has taught actors such as Sean Penn and Harvey Keitel - who has been around teaching acting for over 35 years. Lee Strasberg had some disciples who then went on to do their own thing and establish a name for themselves - and Dad is one of those people. Dad is one of the most respected acting teachers to have been handed the torch, so to speak, by Lee. He has then taken the acting craft and combined the teachings of Sandy Meisner and his own interpretations to become one of the best acting teachers since Lee and Sandy and Stella. That's all there is to it. Go to his website to see a little history about him. He will of course be teaching a Master Class, for advanced students, only.

Next, we have my buddy David Robinette, who is teaching for NYFA, and who got me MY gig at NYFA. Let me just say that David is an amazing actor to work with and I know for a fact he's an amazing teacher - he's got a great eye. I've sat in on his classes and had the opportunity to see him work. Of course I'm inspired by my father, but David has been a greater inspiration to me than I could ever give him credit for - because as a fellow student he has shown me how a knowledge of the work that we have learned from Dad and wherever else mixed with a desire to teach (when we ourselves aren't doing an acting gig! lol) can lead to becoming a teacher of acting. David never ceases to amaze me with his desire to learn more about acting so he can use it as an acting craft and as a teacher. He will be teaching beginning and intermediate classes.

Michael Hajek is also a former student of Dad's, and has years and years of acting, performing, opera, and Shakespearian technique under his belt. He has become a revered Shakespearian actor in his field and brings to his work the theories that Ernie Martin has for acting - which is why his work is so well done. Michael is a fabulous teacher and will be starting in January.

And then, there is lil' ol' me. I'm going to be teaching teens on Saturdays from 11a-1pm. I'm eternally stoked, because I have a niche with the kids. It keeps me from getting more pets at home...what can I say? I love kids - and if I can help shape a young actor at an early stage, then rock on! Jack Black, eat your heart out.

So...if you are interested in acting classes - please check out the flyer above - and call the number for an appointment.

In other news...classes at NYFA are going well. I have great kids and although they think I'm an alien, they like me. Kind of like most people I know.

Stay tuned...

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Blogger Full Frontal Honesty said...

Congrats, D! That sounds like a gas!

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely FLOORED that your Father Ernie is coming back to teach........and with A KICK-ASS TEAM OF TEACHERS! This is the chance of a lifetime, so please......LISTEN TO THIS! My wee(and slightly rambling testimonial) goes something like this:

It was 2 years ago that I stepped onto the streets of NYC to try my hands at acting in the big apple. I was feeling pretty confident (kinda-sorta). Hey, I had some 27 years experience as an actor on stage and 10 most recent years in front of the camera, so....I was completely in control and had use of my talents as an actor, right??

Nope. What I had in talent and experience was lacking in "honesty of acting". I was so used to years of getting the script, lines, whatever and PLANNING. After all, I was in the world of "add water and stir"acting. I had a true love for the craft and could utilize my feelings onstage, but something was missing. I was still bullshitting my way through a good deal of it.

When I joined Ernie's class in September 2005, one of the 1st things Ernie wanted me to do was be comfortable with WHO I WAS, not what I felt I should be. That when I get the lines, don't telegraph or predetermine how lines "should" be read, but use the feeling you have and evolve from there. This wonderful man, who nurtured, but gives a hard stance of "honesty in acting" gave me the first real classical training and tools that I had needed all this time-the ability to have at my fingertips and use the emotions and TRUE feelings I have in all of my acting, confidently and much easier.
Talent is a bonus, but you've GOT to have the FEELING. Anybody who tells you different is selling you a steaming plate of.......bull-cookies!

But the TEAM they have put together is the BEST in the business:

Dianna, following in her father's footsteps, but using her own awesome style, has taught many on how to tap into their emotional reservoir through sensory work, which she excels at. Any success and abilities I have as an actor now are due to Dianna and her father.

I have also worked with David Robinette, who is an incredibly gifted actor and teacher, with many, many years of experience and research. David is thorough in all aspects of acting, showing an excitement and motivation that is contagious. And I've never seen anyone more supportive.

I don't know Michael Hajek, but if he's with this crew, he must infinitely ROCK!

Again, these are my statements and experiences I'm sharing. I spent close to a year off and on in Ernie's class and never found a more nurturing, supportive or motivating group of actors-anywhere. Nor have I found resources anywhere else that were more useful to me as an actor!


Mark Simmons

12:13 AM  

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