Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Lately my life as a crazy cat lady has taken a turn into 'truly insane cat lady' territory.

It began with my oldest cat seeming a bit thin. I was certain that I was being paranoid, but I took her to the vet. End of story: she died. My cat was terminally ill and a lot of trying to save her resulted in a lot of money spent and a lot of tears and a lot of emptiness in my apartment from the loss of my girl.

Resulting in my stepfather and mother offering to get me a kitten as a gift.The reason was not great. My stepfather felt my Samantha was a defective cat, as she died at age 12 of renal failure, and he wanted a hand in choosing a prime piece of grade A quality feline. Apparently I am too idiotic to get my own cat. I did it because my family was saying how good it would make him feel if he could help.

So reluctantly agreed, and my stepfather was very persistent with this plan.
We spoke several times a day about what catteries I contacted, what breeds I liked, and when kittens might be available. He was always emailing and calling about cats.

This was all driving me slowly insane, so I told him that the catteries had long waiting lists and I was temporarily giving up the search. I wanted a few months of quiet, just me and my remaining cats at that point.

Surprise! He found a breeder in Florida where they live and found she had a couple of kittens ready to go. He sent me a link to the three babies. Unfortunately, one of them made me loopy. A little bicolor blue named "Irish Luck". I agreed on the spot that I would take the lucky little kitten.

She arrived from Florida by plane, and the first obvious thing about her was that she had fleas. Apparently she had parasites and ringworm too. After I was assured by a vet that I could only catch it if I were on chemo or had 'advanced HIV' I came down with my first ringworm lesion. My first 'ringworm' Barbie was something I always used to dream of.

I went through all manners of bullshit with vets and having to get my own skin cultures etc., and then a couple of Friday nights ago my other cat was acting very ill. She was wheezing, and rattling. She refused food and seemed to have trouble breathing.

Thousands of dollars later, it seems there's not really much of anything wrong with her. She was upset about her companion dying and the ringworm kitten and apparently started a hunger strike. She does have irritable bowel disase and developed pancreatitis and hepatitis from it being exacerbated by not eating. Sigh.

Just today I started to cry. I love animals. This has been a bad year for me with mine.. I got rid of my three condos because they had ringworm spores on them. That seemed to make it hard to get rid of the fungus.

I just bought this online:
I think it's cute, and it makes me happy to think of the cats scampering onto it. So yeah, I need happy healthy cats as soon as can be. I guess I would like a happy healthy me as well, but that might be flat out pushing things. That made me laugh.


Blogger Billychic said...

Sweetheart, you have been through so much this year. You are an awesome cat mama, and your critters love you for it. I hope this year is easier for you (although it got off to a crazy start with little miss Pandypants being a walking contagion).

Diggin' the cathouse! Nice! I want one for my babies. Was it expensive?

11:12 AM  

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